The second season of Marvel’s The Punisher series on Netflix, which was released in January 2019, featured a touching tribute to legendary Marvel comics creator Stan Lee, who passed away in November 2018. Lee was known for making cameo appearances in nearly every Marvel movie and TV show, so even though he didn’t have a big role in The Punisher, the showrunners included a brief dedication to him at the end of the season.
Where Does Stan Lee’s Cameo Appear in The Punisher?

Stan Lee’s cameo in The Punisher Season 2 is a simple title card that appears at the very end of the season finale, Episode 13 titled ‘The Whirlwind’. After the climactic final scene of the episode fades to black, a title card reading “In loving memory of Stan Lee” appears on screen for a few seconds before the credits roll. It’s a short but meaningful way for the show to pay tribute to the creative genius behind so many legendary Marvel characters and stories.

The Punisher is not the only Marvel TV series to include a dedication to Stan Lee following his passing. Both Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and Season 2 of Marvel’s Runaways also featured similar brief title card tributes to the comics icon. These simple but poignant moments immortalize Lee’s legacy across various films and shows from the Marvel universe he helped build over decades. Even projects centering on characters he didn’t directly create, like The Punisher, make sure to acknowledge the impact Lee had on the superhero stories we love today.
Why Didn’t Stan Lee Have a Bigger Role in The Punisher?

Unlike most Marvel movies and TV shows, Stan Lee did not make an actual cameo appearance in The Punisher Season 2 since he wasn’t involved in the creation of the character. The Punisher first appeared in 1974’s The Amazing Spider-Man #129, created by Gerry Conway, Ross Andru, and John Romita. Lee had no direct hand in developing the vigilante anti-hero. Lee’s only cameo in a Punisher adaptation was in Season 1 of the Netflix show, where he briefly appeared on a Marine Corps recruitment poster.
So while Lee didn’t have the chance to film a speaking cameo before he passed, the heartfelt title card tribute ensures his legacy lives on in the world of The Punisher, just as it does across the wider Marvel Universe that he helped build over the decades. Even without a sizable role in the show, Lee’s influence on Marvel storytelling is recognized and celebrated.